
あなたの雇用主は、従業員に包括的な福利厚生を提供するために Carrot と提携しています。選択肢を検討中の方も、すでに解決に取り組んでいる方も、私たちがお手伝いします。

Carrot ケアチームへのメッセージや電話は24時間、年中無休で受け付けています。

Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Western Sahara
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Sao Tome and Principe
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Swaziland (now Eswatini)
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Northern Mariana Islands
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
New Caledonia
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
French Guiana
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Cape Verde
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Equatorial Guinea
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
American Samoa
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Sierra Leone
Global 24/7 English
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)
Global 24/7 English
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Turks and Caicos Islands
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Global 24/7 English
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Global 24/7 English
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Global 24/7 English
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Global 24/7 English
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Global 24/7 English
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba
Global 24/7 English
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Global 24/7 English
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Global 24/7 English
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Global 24/7 English
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Republic of the Congo
Global 24/7 English
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
Global 24/7 English
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Global 24/7 English
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Global 24/7 English
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Global 24/7 English
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Global 24/7 English
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Global 24/7 English
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Île de la Réunion
Global 24/7 English
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Global 24/7 English
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
British Indian Ocean Territory
Global 24/7 English
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Burkina Faso
Global 24/7 English
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Global 24/7 English
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Isle of Man
Global 24/7 English
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Global 24/7 English
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Falkland Islands
Global 24/7 English
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Global 24/7 English
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Papua New Guinea
Global 24/7 English
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
French Polynesia
Global 24/7 English
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Marshall Islands
Global 24/7 English
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Global 24/7 English
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Global 24/7 English
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Federated States of Micronesia
Global 24/7 English
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Puerto Rico
Global 24/7 English
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
United States of America (USA)
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
United Arab Emirates
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
United Kingdom (UK)
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Trinidad and Tobago
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Sri Lanka
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
South Korea
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
South Africa
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Global 24/7 English
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Saudi Arabia
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Saint Martin (French side)
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
San Marino
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Saint Lucia
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Russian Federation
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Republic of Cyprus
Global 24/7 English
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Global 24/7 English
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Coming soon!
Click to access our 24/7 English digital phone line.
*Calling this regional phone number may result in international calling fees. If you prefer a callback from Carrot, please send a message to the Care Team, include your phone number, and include a message on your preference for a callback.
Call digital phone line

*会社名と会社メールアドレスは、 Carrot ベネフィットへのアクセス権を確認するために使用します。ご登録の際、ご希望のメールアドレスは変更可能です。

このウェブサイトのコンテンツおよび Carrot があなたと共有する情報は、情報提供のみを目的としています。このウェブサイトまたは Carrot が提供する情報は、医療や法律、税務の専門家からの助言に代わるものではありません。

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Carrot メンバーの声

Carrot を使用する人々から日々寄せられる実体験とフィードバック。
Quote mark icon

「Carrot のおかげで、この挑戦がシンプルで簡単なものになりました。膨大な情報や選択肢から必要なものを選択する上で、自信、誠実さ、敬意を備えた Carrot はとても頼りになりました。このプロセスの苦痛を和らげ、思いやりをもって接してくれた Carrot にとても感謝しています。」

Shannon H.
, Carrot member
Quote mark icon

「私は独身ですが、現在、シングルとして親になることに興味を持っています。Carrot のコミュニケーションはオープンかつ率直で、情報を得る上で素晴らしい仕事をしてくれています。」

Todd C.
, Carrot member
Quote mark icon


Claire W.
, Carrot member
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