Carrot supports the protection of international human rights and the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labor worldwide. Carrot implements policies and procedures to ensure there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in any part of our business or vendors that provide services to Carrot. When selecting vendors, Carrot engages in a review and management process and only enters into contractual relationships with vendors that commit to strong compliance terms (e.g., privacy, security, etc.). In addition, our Code of Conduct sets out guiding principles of professional conduct and how Carrot employees should always act lawfully, ethically, and in the best interests of Carrot.
Carrot believes the overall risk of modern slavery in its supply chain is low, however, Carrot works to mitigate the risk of modern slavery in its supply chain by:
Ongoing monitoring and review of the effectiveness of internal policies and processes;
Conducting rigorous background checks and other accountability measures on the individuals we employ;
Engaging in due diligence (e.g., analysis of governance structures, conflicts, and human rights standards) before entering new markets;
Protecting whistleblowers and those who raise concerns or grievances by employing a hotline that allows individuals to make reports anonymously;
Establishing employment policies that protect employees from unfair treatment and promote a fair and inclusive workplace;
Proving employees access to wellbeing resources to support physical and mental wellbeing; and
Vetting vendors, subcontractors, consultants, and partners.
Carrot intends to continue its efforts to ensure that slavery and human trafficking are not taking place within the supply chain or internally at Carrot through reviews of its subcontractors and continual updates to policies and procedures.