
Introducing Carrot’s at-home Female Fertility test and Wellness test

For those who are considering growing their family in the future, learning more about their fertility and wellness can be a helpful place to start. But getting a complete picture of fertility isn’t straightforward. Fertility testing isn’t typically part of an annual physical, and in-person fertility testing and health panels can sometimes require multiple visits to different providers, costing both time and money. Over-the-counter tests have become a more common option, but they don’t always provide a complete picture of all factors that can impact fertility. And without the right guidance, test results can be confusing or misleading. 

Starting January 1, 2022, U.S. Carrot members will have access to an exclusive Female Fertility test and Wellness Test that go beyond traditional fertility testing to offer a whole-body view of health. The tests leverage the unique capabilities of imaware, a leader in testing technology and digital health. These new tests, available only through Carrot, are part of Carrot’s suite of at-home resources, including sperm testing, ovulation tracking, and unlimited virtual chats with physicians and other specialists.

A more comprehensive picture of fertility 

The Female Fertility test and Wellness test include a customized panel of biomarkers that provide a more comprehensive view of fertility health and wellness. After taking these tests from home, Carrot members can work with their healthcare providers to understand how multiple factors like cholesterol, blood sugar, vitamin D, and more may impact fertility and pregnancy outcomes — and together, figure out next steps to address them. A full picture of fertility, health, and wellness can give providers the information they need to identify potential first-line interventions that can improve their health and fertility, such as nutritional and lifestyle modifications. Early detection of issues like elevated blood sugar levels, such as those found in diabetes, can also help reduce miscarriage risk and improve pregnancy outcomes.

Regardless of test results, Carrot is available to support members throughout their journey. Members can receive a Carrot Plan showing them where at-home fertility testing fits within the broader picture of their fertility journey. 

Convenient access to valuable insights

Carrot members provide a small blood sample through a finger-prick test and send their completed tests back in the mail. After receiving their results, members can schedule a telemedicine visit with a clinician to discuss results at no additional cost.

U.S. Carrot members will be eligible to purchase the tests starting in January 2022 through Carrot’s digital benefits guide, as a step in their Carrot Plan, or when meeting with a Carrot Expert. The tests are a reimbursable expense for members with Carrot Pro. If your employer offers Carrot but you haven’t signed up, create an account and start learning more about your options. 

Our new testing kits will empower members to make more informed choices about their fertility, health, and wellness from the comfort of home. If you’re an employer interested in supporting employees wherever they are in their fertility journey, get in touch with us.

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