Employee spotlight

Employee spotlight: Nic Schisler, Customer Success team

It can be challenging as an HR leader to make sure employees know about and use all of the benefits and resources available to them. Suffice to say that one email or Slack message is never enough! That’s why I’m so impressed with our Customer Success team. Every day, they make sure our customers have the resources they need to make it easy for their employees to register and get the most value from their experience with Carrot, whether through collaborating on communications strategies, sharing educational resources, or answering any and all questions that come up.

Nic Schisler, this month’s Employee Spotlight, joined the Customer Success team in May 2021. He talked with us about what brought him to Carrot, what he enjoys about connecting with customers, and why he loves working at Carrot. If you’re interested in joining Customer Success or any of our other passionate teams, we’re hiring.

Name: Nic Schisler

Title: Customer Success Executive, Strategic Partnerships

Team: Customer Success

Location: Charleston, SC

When did you join Carrot?

In May 2021 — but it feels like I have been here much longer!

What is the best thing about your job?

I enjoy building relationships with customers and working collaboratively with internal teams.

Why did you join Carrot?

I discovered Carrot when my wife and I were in the middle of our own fertility journey. Carrot's mission spoke to me as someone who was constantly in and out of fertility treatments with my wife. When I saw the value in the benefit and the resources available, I immediately applied for a job with Carrot, and the rest is history!

What is your favorite perk about working at Carrot?

I'm incredibly grateful for the Carrot for Carrot benefit, which my wife and I used during our fertility treatments. Also, as someone who used to commute 2+ hours a day, I enjoy the flexibility to work remotely and the ability to spend more time with my family.

What do you appreciate the most about working at Carrot?

I appreciate the culture of Carrot and how there is a sense of "togetherness" while still being remote. Also, the remote atmosphere allows me to spend time with my family and take afternoon walks with my wife and our golden retriever Vern.

Want to join our team? Check out open roles at Carrot.

Continued reading

Employee spotlight: Madonna McCree

Employee spotlight: Britt Lamb

Employee spotlight: Marni Denenberg

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