Welcome to Carrot

Ardent Health
is providing Carrot to its employees, an inclusive benefit for hormonal health, fertility, and family-building. Whether you or your partner are interested in understanding your reproductive health and options for the future, building a family now, or looking for relief from menopause and low testosterone, Carrot is here to help.
Ardent Health
is providing Carrot to its employees, an inclusive and global benefit for hormonal health, fertility, and family-building. Whether you or your partner are interested in understanding your reproductive health and options for the future, building a family now, or looking for relief from menopause and low testosterone, Carrot is here to help.
Ardent Health
is providing Carrot to its employees, an inclusive benefit for hormonal health, fertility, and family-building. Whether you or your partner are interested in understanding your reproductive health and wellness, building a family now, or thinking about options for the future, Carrot is here to help.
Ardent Health
is providing Carrot to its employees, an inclusive and global benefit for hormonal health, fertility, and family-building. Whether you or your partner are interested in understanding your reproductive health and wellness, building a family now, or thinking about options for the future, Carrot is here to help.
Carrot is an inclusive and global benefit for hormonal health, fertility, and family-building. Whether you or your partner are interested in understanding your reproductive health and options for the future, building a family now, or looking for relief from menopause and low testosterone, your
Ardent Health
Healthcare benefit through Carrot is here to help.
Carrot is an inclusive and global benefit for hormonal health, fertility, and family-building. Whether you or your partner are interested in understanding your reproductive health and wellness, building a family now, or thinking about options for the future, your
Ardent Health
Healthcare benefit through Carrot is here to help.
Sign up now so you can explore the available resources starting
 including employer-provided funds to help pay for eligible care.
Sign up now so you can explore the available resources starting
 — at no cost to you.
Sign up early
Claim your benefit today to start exploring available resources, including employer-provided funds to help pay for eligible care.
Claim your benefit today to start exploring the available resources — at no cost to you.
Claim your benefit today to start exploring the available resources — at no additional cost to you.
Claim your benefit
Claim your benefit today to start exploring available resources, including employer-provided funds to help pay for eligible care.
Uzyskaj dostęp do korzyści już teraz i zacznij przeglądać dostępne zasoby – bez ponoszenia jakichkolwiek kosztów.
Claim your benefit today to start exploring the available resources — at no additional cost to you.
Odbierz swoje świadczenie
Coming soon
January 1, 2025

Uzyskaj wsparcie dotyczące problemów takich jak:

Get support with:*

Use the Carrot benefit for:

Use the Carrot benefit for:*

Perimenopauza i menopauza
Niski poziom testosteronu lub andropauza
Infant care and parenting (ages 0-12)
Ciąża i połóg

*Carrot services available may vary based on plan design, geography, and local rules and regulations.

Co dalej?

In a few simple steps, claim your benefit and start exploring the available resources, including the employer-provided funds to help pay for eligible care.
Wystarczy kilka prostych kroków, by uzyskać dostęp do korzyści i zacząć przeglądać dostępne zasoby – bez ponoszenia jakichkolwiek kosztów.
In a few simple steps, claim your benefit and start exploring the resources available — at no additional cost to you.

Create your account

Create your Carrot account using your company email address to get started*

Create your account

Create your Carrot account using your name and birth date to get started*


Explore your benefit

Navigate to your benefit guide to learn more about the resources and support available

Explore your benefit

Navigate to your benefit guide to learn more about the resources and support available


Start using Carrot

Get expert-produced educational resources, attend webinars, connect with medical experts, find a provider, and more

Start using Carrot

Get expert-produced educational resources, attend webinars, connect with medical experts, find a provider, and more

Coming soon
January 1, 2025

* Twoja prywatność jest dla nas ważna. Carrot nie udostępnia pracodawcom informacji dotyczących Twojej opieki. Nasza Polityka prywatności zawiera informacje o tym, jakie ograniczone dane udostępniamy do celów płacowych i podatkowych.

*Your privacy matters. Carrot does not share details about your care with employers. Read more in our

Privacy Policy.

Members love Carrot

Pracownicy cenią usługi Carrot

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„Korzyści Carrot zostały wprowadzone w najlepszym dla mnie momencie. Właśnie ukończyłam nieudany cykl zapłodnienia in vitro, a dzięki temu postanowiłam spróbować jeszcze raz. W końcu urodziła nam się wspaniała córeczka – teraz czujemy, że nasza rodzina jest kompletna”.

Annie V., członkini Carrot
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„Jesteśmy parą homoseksualną i ta kwestia jest szczególnie ważna w przypadku osób takich jak my. Taka korzyść sprawia, że nie czujemy się wykluczeni. Dzięki temu mamy poczucie, że jesteśmy ważną częścią organizacji”.

William P., członek Carrot
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„Zszokował mnie bardzo krótki czas oczekiwania na odpowiedź i listę dostawców, którzy mogą pomóc mi zrealizować cel. Mimo początkowych obaw, że będziemy czekać na konkrety tygodniami, teraz czuję, że jesteśmy znacznie bliżej założenia rodziny”.

Kathryn H., członkini Carrot
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“The introduction of the Carrot benefit right after I had an IVF cycle that didn’t work could not have come at a more perfect time because it made me want to try once more. We ended up having our beautiful baby girl, and now we feel that our family is complete.

William P., Carrot member

For a gay couple like my partner and I, it’s especially important. A perk like this makes you feel included. It makes you feel like you’re an important part of the organization.

Kathryn H., Carrot member

"I was shocked by how fast I got answers for what I was looking to accomplish, but now I feel like we are that much closer to forming a family."

Annie V., Carrot member
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Skontaktuj się z Carrot

Have questions? Send a message to your Carrot Care Team or call 1-888-828-2597 — 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We’re here when you need us.

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* Nazwa firmy i firmowy adres e-mail służą do weryfikacji dostępu do korzyści Carrot. Preferowany adres e-mail można zmienić po rejestracji.
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Coming soon