Employee spotlight

Employee Spotlight: Kaci Barry

Kaci Barry is a Senior Account Executive at Carrot. Based in San Francisco, she joined Carrot in 2019 and helps build and foster relationships with clients to bring Carrot to more employers and their employees around the world. 

Because of Carrot, Kaci and her husband could pursue in vitro fertilization (IVF) to have her first child. She recently returned from parental leave, and we sat down with her to talk about her fertility journey and how Carrot supported her every step of the way. 

Why did you join Carrot? 

I was immediately impressed by the female leadership at Carrot and their passion for helping people take control of their fertility healthcare. After four years, this is still something I love so much about Carrot.

What are you most proud of from your time here at Carrot?

I’m most proud of all the companies and HR leaders who recognize the importance of this benefit and have fought to get access for their employees. Because of that, millions of people now have access to equitable fertility and family-forming healthcare.

How has Carrot supported you on your fertility journey? 

Carrot has supported my fertility journey in so many ways. Because of my work experience at Carrot, I felt empowered to take my fertility health into my own hands and seek help when I felt ready. I leveraged the Carrot platform to identify the top clinics in my area and which clinics offered discounted rates to Carrot members. I also utilized Carrot’s expert network to help me prepare for my first appointment at my clinic. The fertility RN helped me come up with questions to ask and things to consider before I stepped foot in the clinic. I felt so prepared and knowledgeable going into my appointment. 

Once we started doing IVF, I was using Carrot regularly. Whether I was using Carrot Rx, watching injection videos, or speaking with a medical expert, Carrot was with me every step of the way. One of the most exciting days for me was when I changed my Carrot Plan from an IVF journey to a Pregnancy journey.

Is there anything you would have had to do differently if you didn’t have Carrot?

Without Carrot, I would have spent a lot of time going down internet rabbit holes trying to find information on IVF. And without Carrot’s financial support, I would have likely considered clinics based on price, not success rates.

Continued reading

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Transform your organization with access to the world’s leading fertility care and family-building platform

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